Thursday 2 October 2014

The Blu Shop

Corporate bodies are very particular about their company logo, vision, ethics, colours etc. These elements promotes them. In designing the Blu Shop we were very particular about how to use their colours, logos and advertises together with the other design elements to create an inviting space for their customers.

This shop is currently under construction. 

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Who is God?

God is a loving father who cares for all His children irrespective of who they are and where they come from. In God, there is no discrimination. Because we are his children he has implanted His attitude to loving all in us and as such we should endevour to practice it.

 Though we are all one in him he has given us bounderies to live in. It is prudent for you to understand and appreciate God for creating you.


Wednesday 3 September 2014

Round Table Meeting

Round Table Meeting, which is an in-house meeting organized at the last Friday of each month, is a way both management and staff meet to share ideas for the progress of the company.

It is prudent that one makes him or herself available for this meeting. During the meeting we all sit around the conference table and make meaningful contributions, air our view on issues bothering the company and individuals. Assignments or tasks are given to people to undertake for the benefit of the company.

Mostly held in the company's boardroom, round table meeting fosters unity between the staff and management as well as bridges the gap mostly felt and seen in most Ghanaian organization between staff and management.

Interestingly, its during this meeting time that one gets to know whats truly happening in the company; the state of the company, future plans for the staff and company, how is being acknowledge and awarded for what etc. Well we have not experienced anyone being bashed yet!!! lol.

Round table meeting is a very helpful activity in Spektra Design Ltd as it is a platform were both staff and management can agree on some issues.

2nd Round Table Meeting

Friday 29 August 2014

Just for Fun!!!

Limitations, challenges and problems should not stop you from getting to the finish line in your walk with God.

Enjoy your weekend.

Photo: Just for Fun!!!

Limitations, challenges and problems should not stop you from getting to the finish line in your walk with God. 

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday 28 August 2014

Electronic Shop- Design and Build

"Building exactly what we design is our prime objective."

The Design (Impression)

After Construction

The Race

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." 
Hebrews 12: 1&2

Whatever you are doing now know that you are being watched. Therefore it is prudent you do the right thing which will please God. Don't let your challenges and problems lead you into doing thing that won't glorify God. It is difficult for one to do the right things in this body. But with the help of the holy spirit you can overcome lying, stealing, gossiping, drinking of alcohol, smoking, insulting, bad thinking etc.

What do you enjoy doing with ease? There is a race (assignment) for everybody. Everybody must find work, task, assignment or activity to do in God's house. You must do your best to serve God with your gift. Know your gift and use it well. God's gift is free. You don't pay for your gifts. Develop your God given talent or gift and he will increase you. You will be acknowledged if you use your gift well. Example is the Zoe Temple Design. Spektra's design of this mangiest worship center  brought in so many jobs.

First year in the school or class of architecture is packed with so many students from all walks of life aiming to design the next Golf House, Cedi House, National Theater, Ridge and Heritage Towers etc. But after the first around( first degree) (with 70% of the students who started still remaining), we begin to know those who started the race well prepared, using their skills and adhering to every good advice that came cross their path. Then after the second round (PG) (with about 40% of the students who started remaining), we are able to know those who will become the next Prof. Wellington, Frank Gehry, Noman Foster, Zaha Hadid etc of their time. 

So it is in the Christian race and life. Those who tune their minds to meditate and obey the Word of God are those who will be greatly rewarded when the creator comes.

Whatever you are going through; that is hurting you. Ask yourself if you have endured to the point of shedding your blood. Because great are the people of old who went through so many challenges (Hebrews 11) but didn't give up. Remember they, with the angels and God are watching your every move.

Run the race with joy and great expectation because at the finish line awaits a crown of eternal life full of happiness for you to enjoy.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Airtel Shops

Airtel, one of the big communication networks in this country, commissioned us to propose a prototype interior design for their shops. Airtel, in their quest to enhance their customer care services and promote their image wanted a design that will advertise their products, brand their image and entertain the valued customers.

Their main colours red and white were used for the walls and furniture. Surfaces were also provided for advertisement. Wood pattern floor tiles as well as spacious customer seating area was proposed to welcome and entertain customers.

The prototype was used for some Airtel shops located in these areas Assin Fosu, Madina, Adum, Suame, Dansoman, Spintex etc.

We are currently supervising the construction of some of the designed shops.

Below is the proposed design for Airtel Adum.